But thats not all, were also interviewing a Hobbit! Dominic Monaghan to be precise. Toss more names like Matthew Lillard, Pierce Brosnan and Jeff Daniels, and you can see that we have a beautiful day in front of us. And thats right, we said karate kid. Today can not relate to any boxing heavyweights, but we galore Hollywood heavyweights. So stay tuned!. Well chatting up Hustle and Flow director Craig Brewer on his new MTV project, $ 5 Cover. Yesterday evening, we have restricted the days adventures with fine dining Mike Tyson. Ewan McGregor and Jim Carrey play lovers in the film Thank You Phillip Morris, and theyll throw some love our way too. Be chatting up Daniel-san himself, Ralph Macchio, for his new film Slamdance Rosencrantz and Guildernstern Are Undead.